Disclaimer: English has never been my best subject.
As if being a university student isn’t hard enough—with clubs, a paying job, awkward social situations, and tons of work—add on the freshman 15 (or in my case, freshman 18). Even though I am now a second year student, I continue my endless struggle with the evils that are pastries, chocolate, and in my opinion, cereal (this will be elaborated further later on).
After having my mom (my own mother!) tell me my face has become extremely round over our reunion in the summer, I realized that I clearly do not have the same body shape as I did before. This was actually not a drastic change though, since I have always been a bit on the heavier side (I’ll admit, I’m not obese, but I’m not skinny either). It wasn’t till my sister devised a fantastic diet plan for me that I actually decided to take action on this constant dilemma in my life. My goal: 1300 calories a day (this was calculated on the basis of my weight at the time, my activities, and other lifestyle factors). Sound easy? Surprisingly, given that I am obviously obsessed with food, it actually wasn’t bad in the beginning. With a specific, measurable goal, it was easier for me to commit. I began this in mid-June and stuck with it for the duration of the month.
Unfortunately, come end of July, I began to struggle. Sweet cravings gnawed at me as I begged for one more bag of cookies (strictly denied by my sister). In general, through good days and bad days (some very bad days), I was able to moderately keep up with this diet till I returned to Montreal. I actually did lose quite a few pounds (that I probably gained back now).
This brings me to the real subject of my blog: continuing this diet while juggling the aforementioned tasks of an university student. This diet was easy over the summer. Living in the rural town of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, I essentially bummed around the house all day, except for my daily YMCA workouts with friends. I was able to keep my binging and eating under control (and under calories) with the constant belief that this will be much easier once I’m back at McGill since I won’t have time to eat.
Clearly, I was wrong.