Today, I should definitely be thankful for all the food I ate. This year is actually the first time I'm eating turkey for thanksgiving! (it's an Asian thing)
Now as I have said before, I am a university student with a decent social life. Therefore, due to various reasons, I ended up going to two thanksgiving dinners tonight.
1 thanksgiving dinner = calories overload.
2 thanksgiving dinners =
My first thanksgiving dinner was at 6pm. I arrived, helped mash the potatoes (woot), and had some delicious turkey with salad, asparagus, and of course the mashed potatoes with yummy dripping giblet gravy. Afterwards, I had one slice of cheesecake and apple pie. Delicious.

The 12kg turkey. It was devoured.
At around 10, I went to study with some friends at a local cafe. Feeling bad for not purchasing anything, we all got a drink. I got an iced cappuccino (woah there calories). Afterwards, I lapsed into a food coma and took a 5 minute nap.
It is now 1:30am, and I am still full.
On the way back home, I ran into one of my friend. I reccounted my eating excursions of the day, and he compared my stomach to a black hole (no surprise there). Then, he asked me if I ate this much last year.
Excluding this as a special occasion, I actually did not quite know how to answer that question. I'm not sure if I actually ate less last year (even with all that caf food and midnight snacks), or if it just seems like I'm eating more this year because I'm actually counting the calories. Hm.
My life in a nutshell. Hopefully this extravagant thanksgiving will be able to deter future binge eating!
P.S. Morning banana diet clearly doesn't work.