This is what went through my mind: I liked broccoli and I liked spinach.
So I bought 2 bags of this mysterious vegetable (which turned out to be broccoli rabe, or rapini)
Little did I know that this veggie would be my demise.
I got home and, excited to make my salmon, missed a club banquet and rejected a friend's invitation to eat at their place (my friend is an amazing cook--which makes this even more sad).
I cooked my salmon on the pan, cut up some rapini and cooked that as well. Unfortunately, when I ate the the rapini, it was bitter. Very bitter. I added various seasonings in an effort to make it taste better, but alas my low (very low) level of cooking skills could only allow me to do so much.
Afterwards, when I ate my salmon, all I could taste was the godforsaken rapini.
After this, I craved sweets to counteract the bitterness. This led me to eat 2 bowls of oatmeal, 1 PB&J sandwich, and granola bars. In conclusion, I pigged out. big time. (I haven't eaten like this in while - hence the lack of blog updates) Now I feel terribly full.
Are there such things as troll vegetables? I honestly believe rapini is one.
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