Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Sometimes, I don't even know...

I was doing so well....I haven't eaten out in 9 days (big deal for me!)
but today, I finally crashed. WHY?

Organic Campus.
They sell the most delicious sweet potato bread/cinnamon roll ever.
It was either the vegetable fritata or the sweet potato cinnamon roll. Me, in an effort to be "healthy", decided to buy the sweet potato roll because vegetable fritatas are fried. Why am I such a tool.

I'm not even going to go into details on what happened the rest of the day. You know, same old binging. I think I'm going to stop counting calories. My sister says I'm clearly being too ambitious what with my weak, weak will.

But anyways, on a GOOD note, today my cooking-challenged friend and I (who is also cooking-challenged) decided to make oyako don, essentially a Japanese style dish with eggs, chicken, onions, and rice.

Seems simple enough. We followed the recipe which stated that the dish should be ready in 40 minutes.
The whole ordeal took us about 2 hours. We also used a bajillion dishes throughout the cooking process (luckily, my other friend volunteered to do the dishes).
The final product turned out pretty good!

Lately I've also been a fan of pan searing fishes. It's easy and delish! So what is this? Emily is finally entering the cooking world?
Hope this keeps up, and doesn't fail terribly (like my diet).


  1. please make oyako don for me next time

  2. WILL DO! yay, now I can bring things to potlucks
