Wednesday 30 November 2011

Sometimes, I don't even know...

I was doing so well....I haven't eaten out in 9 days (big deal for me!)
but today, I finally crashed. WHY?

Organic Campus.
They sell the most delicious sweet potato bread/cinnamon roll ever.
It was either the vegetable fritata or the sweet potato cinnamon roll. Me, in an effort to be "healthy", decided to buy the sweet potato roll because vegetable fritatas are fried. Why am I such a tool.

I'm not even going to go into details on what happened the rest of the day. You know, same old binging. I think I'm going to stop counting calories. My sister says I'm clearly being too ambitious what with my weak, weak will.

But anyways, on a GOOD note, today my cooking-challenged friend and I (who is also cooking-challenged) decided to make oyako don, essentially a Japanese style dish with eggs, chicken, onions, and rice.

Seems simple enough. We followed the recipe which stated that the dish should be ready in 40 minutes.
The whole ordeal took us about 2 hours. We also used a bajillion dishes throughout the cooking process (luckily, my other friend volunteered to do the dishes).
The final product turned out pretty good!

Lately I've also been a fan of pan searing fishes. It's easy and delish! So what is this? Emily is finally entering the cooking world?
Hope this keeps up, and doesn't fail terribly (like my diet).

Sunday 27 November 2011

Phail with a "P"

Today I went grocery shopping and bought myself a salmon steak. I have been craving fish for a while, and in my new effort of cooking for myself, I decided to make it for dinner tonight. I also purchased 3 bags of spinach (love my veggies), but I really wanted to buy kale (my roomie makes amazing kale). Unfortunately, IGA decided to fail, and refused to have any in stock. I looked around and found this spinach-broccoli-like vegetable.


This is what went through my mind: I liked broccoli and I liked spinach.
So I bought 2 bags of this mysterious vegetable (which turned out to be broccoli rabe, or rapini)
Little did I know that this veggie would be my demise.

I got home and, excited to make my salmon, missed a club banquet and rejected a friend's invitation to eat at their place (my friend is an amazing cook--which makes this even more sad).
I cooked my salmon on the pan, cut up some rapini and cooked that as well. Unfortunately, when I ate the the rapini, it was bitter. Very bitter. I added various seasonings in an effort to make it taste better, but alas my low (very low) level of cooking skills could only allow me to do so much.
Afterwards, when I ate my salmon, all I could taste was the godforsaken rapini.

After this, I craved sweets to counteract the bitterness. This led me to eat 2 bowls of oatmeal, 1 PB&J sandwich, and granola bars. In conclusion, I pigged out. big time. (I haven't eaten like this in while - hence the lack of blog updates) Now I feel terribly full.

Are there such things as troll vegetables? I honestly believe rapini is one.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Motivation for a phat kid.

After a trip to the library, I had a talk with my friend. In an effort to help me with my diet, she and I made a deal. She has agreed to treat me to Juliette et Chocolat in January if I do not eat out/order in/buy any sort of pastry (my arch nemesis) and go to the gym at least 4 times a week until December 15th (after my last final).
This is a very appealing and motivational deal, since I love the ice cream sundae at Juliette et Chocolat.
However, I can tell already that this will be a very difficult task, what with finals coming up, but...

(fear not, this photo was taken over the summer)

Wish me luck! (I'll need it).

On another note, with the lack of groceries at the house, I have been very keen on ordering in lately. What can I say? It's super convenient, albeit calorie high. Today, I ordered Tomato and Beef from Spicy Noodles due to my insane craving for Chinese food (and I was still not full from the large portion. Sigh). Last week, the roomie and I ordered frozen yogurt delivery to the apartment.

Frozen yogurt delivers
It's like the world is against me.


Clearly, this will have to end if I want a free sundae.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

So I haven't updated for a month. And this post is going to be semi-serious/rambling.
Sorry (but not really) for the lack of binge-eating failure lately.
I really need to work on consistency.
Lately, I've been restraining myself and following my diet for 4 days, and then splurging the rest of the week. If I were to be consistent, and eat slightly more for all days of the week, I could obtain an even better outcome.
I realized (however obvious it is) that eating is strictly psychological. I continue buying pastries and sweets because I believe that I enjoy them. In an economical sense, I believe I obtain a higher utility by eating pastries than actual food (wow, look at me and my school application).
Really, what I need to do is manipulate myself into liking savory foods again (like I used to).
The question is, how do I do that?


Friday 14 October 2011

The Day After Tomorrow

So, I've been really slacking on my diet.............


Stay tuned. (for success!)

P.S. I need to go to the gym.

Monday 10 October 2011

Turkey Day!

What can I say? Thanksgiving is a very dangerous time for a dieter.

Today, I should definitely be thankful for all the food I ate. This year is actually the first time I'm eating turkey for thanksgiving! (it's an Asian thing)

Now as I have said before, I am a university student with a decent social life. Therefore, due to various reasons, I ended up going to two thanksgiving dinners tonight.

1 thanksgiving dinner = calories overload.
2 thanksgiving dinners =  (yes that is a very fat cat)

My first thanksgiving dinner was at 6pm. I arrived, helped mash the potatoes (woot), and had some delicious turkey with salad, asparagus, and of course the mashed potatoes with yummy dripping giblet gravy. Afterwards, I had one slice of cheesecake and apple pie. Delicious.
The 12kg turkey. It was devoured.

At 8, I went to my other dinner. I arrived feeling pretty full, but obviously I had to try this turkey. It was quite delicious as well, and I was also able to stuff down some pasta (who am I). After about half an hour, I had dessert #2. I had one slice of lime cheese cake, one slice of pumpkin pie, and one strawberry cheesecake truffle.
At around 10, I went to study with some friends at a local cafe. Feeling bad for not purchasing anything, we all got a drink. I got an iced cappuccino (woah there calories). Afterwards, I lapsed into a food coma and took a 5 minute nap.
It is now 1:30am, and I am still full.

On the way back home, I ran into one of my friend. I reccounted my eating excursions of the day, and he compared my stomach to a black hole (no surprise there). Then, he asked me if I ate this much last year.
Excluding this as a special occasion, I actually did not quite know how to answer that question. I'm not sure if I actually ate less last year (even with all that caf food and midnight snacks), or if it just seems like I'm eating more this year because I'm actually counting the calories. Hm.

My life in a nutshell. Hopefully this extravagant thanksgiving will be able to deter future binge eating!

P.S. Morning banana diet clearly doesn't work.

Thursday 6 October 2011


Short update today.
I've been told that maybe my 1300 calories count is too restricting (which is upsetting because it worked so well in the summer), but mainly I think it's my lack of self-restraint.
Anyways, while eating my banana during Info Systems, I found this:
The basis of this diet is to consume bananas and room-temp water for breakfast, eat whatever you want for lunch (with room-temp water), have a 3:00pm sweet snack, and eat dinner before 8:00pm. This sounds pretty simple, other than the fact that you can't eat anything else after dinner (this means no dessert! the horror.) Obviously, potato chips, fried foods, big portions, etc are still frowned upon.
One part of this diet that is definitely popular with the girls is that exercise is optional. I'm still going to go to the gym, but I guess this takes off some pressure of going everyday (not like I do so anyways). I'm probably still going to try to eat within calories, but hopefully this diet will be less restricting for me, and therefore lead to less binges.
We'll see how this goes.
Banana diet Day 1 tomorrow!